The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

216 TheSpiritual Life.

which In alowerorganisationwould not at all

be evil; how as man proceeds onward and

onward,hecan useevilforhisownperfecting;

howmantriesto escapefrom pam andtopur-

suepleasure; howdesire remains in hisheart,

andbringshim back to earth,andhegoesfor-

ward andforward,purifying desire,identifying

himselfwith the DivineActorintheuniverse;

then howno furtheractions have bindmgforce

upon him; howsuch a man is freefrom evil,

and free from all those bonds which tie the

Soulsof men; and finallyhowhe becomes an

altarfromwhichthe smokeof sacrificegoesup

continually to the Eternal. This indeed the

lifewhichaloneisworththe living,this indeed

theroadalongwhichliespeaceandcalm. This

is realised by the true Yogi alone. Compare

thiswiththe lifeof the manwhoclings tothe

world full of dissatisfaction,full of discontent.


at theirfaces; seehowtheyarefullof anxiety

andofdesire,oftroubleand injustice; andsee

howmen'shearts arepierced bypain and laid

desolatebycatastrophies, bymiseries,byhopes

andbyfears; how theyaretossed about and

flungfrom side to side, and toooften brought


And then realise that Brahman is bliss.

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