The Useof Evil.^217
Bliss,buthow? Bliss,becausethereisunity;
bliss, because there is an absence of desire;
whichnothingthatistransientcan disturb. So
shallthedespairinghuman Soulfind hope,ifit
is fixed on Brahman; so shall the disturbed
human soul find peace. Who can deny that
to the Soul that knows its source, that has
foundtheSelf? ThouartBrahman. There
isnothingwhichcanshakethat; thereisnothing
which can undo that; there is nothingwhich
canchangethat. It is fixed indissolublyupon
the changeless, upon the Eternal Truth. It
has nothing in it of earth, thatit shouldever
passaway. ThebodyisnottheSoul; disease
may marit,accident mayinjure it, death may
strikeitaway,but theSoulremainsunchanged.
Thelowermind you maydestroy,but thereis
no real loss; changed may be the individual
circumstances,butthe"I"ischangeless. Separ-
ation between bodies maycome, but the inner
must fail to drive to misery or to despair.