The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

222 TheSpiritualLife.

and somewhat terrifying,while the object pre-

sented for adoration, on which all love was


surrenderingpowerto pity-afigurethatdrew

allhearts, thatsatisfiedall aspirations,theMan

divine enough for worship, the God human






man, Frances Power Cobbe, and Charles

Voysey. These assert and worship "the

Father," purging away from that conception

all that is harsh, unlovely, stern, in the view

of popularChristianity,adorningitwith allthe

heart-compelling attributes of the perfect man,

turning, in fact, the second Person of the

orthodox Trinity into the first, and investing


thisnowwhollydivine Figurewith all thefar-

reaching qualities of deity. The Trinity dis-

appears, the Unmanifested is ignored, and a

vast superhuman personal God is regarded as

at once the Father of spirits and the all-

sustaining, self-existent Life, beyond whom,

embracingandpervadingall,naughtelse exists.

He is at once the "One without a second,

and the personal Lover and Friend of man.

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