(^224) TheSpiritual Life.
truth to the mind,as justiceto the conscience,
aslovetotheheart." {Ihid,p.9.)
As intellect developed and knowledge in-
theoryaboutGod,andto see inconsistenciesin
the loftier thought. Thewideningout ofthe
space,the glimpses offar suns which dwarfed
our own to rushhght, the whirling infinities of
innumerable systems, the gold-dust sprinkled
afar that was found to be galaxies of stars-
each star a sun, each sun the centre of its
circling worlds-the faint mist-wreaths that
on the edges of new fields of being, the un-
plumbed profundities of living things in ever-
diminishing minuteness presented by our own
globe,the infinities of lifeontheone handtoo
small for scanning, theinfinities of life on the
other hand too vast for measuring-from all
thisthe brainstaggered back,dizziedandcon-
founded,overturning,asitreeledagainst it,the
idolofanextracosmicGod. JeanPaulRichter's
dream became a reality,andvoid pealed back
tovoid, orb tossed back to orb, the mournful