226 The SpirifualLife.
being, existing apart from the universe; but
Himselfin Hisownreality,Heisexpressedin
the universe, w^hich is His living garment."
(P. 360.) Allthingsexist as Hew^illedthem
to be, evil isnot positive, there is"aninfinite
gradation in created things," "all in their
way obedient." Two things in Spinoza have
repelled the emotional-his steady logical de-
structive analysis and calm acceptance of its
results,andhistheoryof necessitarianism. The
latterhasbeen heldfataltomorals,the former
to devotion. Yet Spinoza was so far from
being incapable of strenuous devotion that he
was described by his enemies as "a God-
intoxicated man," and his lofty, serene virtue
and calm acquiescence in thelawof lifeashe
sawitwerein themselvesevidencesof thefine
fibreof hissoul.
Western thought is swingingbetween Pan-
theismandamoreorlesscoherentTheism; at
onetimethe thinkerisdriventoaccept theone
infinite, self-existent Substance, impersonal, all-