The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

12 The Spiritual Life.



themoney that heought togrip, morder that

hemaywinmore. Andsothefirstthingthat

aman mustdo istomasterthe body,toteach

to learn tobear hardship even; not to think

whether hewants to sleep,if bytravelling all

nighta contract canbegained; not tostopto

askwhether he shallrest if,bygoing tosome

party at midnight,he can make a friendwho

will enable him to gain more money by his

influence. Overand overagaininthestruggle

forgold theman mustbe masterof this outer

body that he wears, until it has no voice m

determininghis lineof activity-ityields itself

obedient servant to the dominant will, to the

compelling brain. That is the first thing he


Thenhelearnsconcentrationofmind. Ifhe

is not concentrated hisrivals will beat him in

thestruggle of the market-place. If hismind

wanders about here, there, and everywhere,

undecided, onedaytryingoneplan,andanother


deliberatecontinuing labour,that manwillfail.

Thegoalhedesiresteaches himto concentrate

his mind; he bringsitto one point; he holds

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