228 The SpiritualLife.
as fruit no mightybeings,far abovehispigmy
growth as he above the mote inthe sun-ray,
must not all universes be but anebbandflovs^
of the ocean, inwhich he is but a bubble in
the foam ofabreaking wave? Heseeshim-
self within measurable distance of hisend,for
when otherlike worlds have gone down into
thepastand no fruit of themremains? The
failure of the dead universes to produce con-
tinuing lives,exhibiting loftierpowers, appears
andtopresagehisapproachingdoom. Chilled
by the dank vapours of annihilation he flies
back into the warmer regions of faith, and
submits to any outrage on reason rather than
stifle the ever-recurring conviction,"Notallof
Here steps forward to his rescue Eastern
Pantheism, satisfying alike to head and heart,
impregnable intellectually as that of Spinoza,