240 The SpiritualLife.
for him if he shrinks not from its scorching.
Andwelltoo forhim, if, likethe Red Indian
at the torture-stake,he can face an unsympa-
What ofthe famousqualifications forinitia-
Theyare notasked forin perfection, butsome
possessionofthemthere must beeretheportal
mayswingopentoadmithim. Inthejudgment
passed on him,which opens orbars the gate-
way, the whole man is taken into account.
oped, that but a small modicum of those
specially demanded weighs down the scale.
With others, more average in general type,
highdevelopmentoftheseisdemanded. It is,
sotospeak,a general stature thatis expected,
andthestatureismadeupin manyways. A
candidate may be of great intelligence, of
splendid courage, of rareself-sacrifice,of spot-