The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

246 The Spiritual Life.

usedforthe PerfectMan,throughoutChristen-


of man; "Christin you,the hope of glory,"

istheChristianteacher'sthought. Men,inthe

longcourseofevolution,reach theChriststate,

age,and Hewith whomthe name isspecially

connectedinwesternlandsisoneofthe "Sons

of God" who have reached the final goal of

humanity. The word has ever carried the

connotation of a state; it is"the anomted.

Each must reach the state: "Look within

thee; thouart Buddha." "TilltheChristbe


As he who would become a musical artist


should steep himself in the melodies of the

master-artists, so shouldwe, the children born

of humanity,liftupoureyesandourhearts,in

ever-renewed contemplation, to themountains,

on which dwellthe Perfect Men of ourrace.

Whatweare.Theywere; whatTheyare,we

shall be. All the sons of men can do what


Them the pledge of our own triumph; the

development of like divinity in us is but a


1 have sometimes divided interior evolution

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