The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

248 The Spiritual Life.


isenteredbythefirstofthe greatInitiations,in

which the Initiate is "the little child,"some-

times the "babe," sometimes the"little child,

threeyearsold." The man must"regain the

child-statehehath lost"; he must"becomea

little child"in order to"enter the kingdom."

Passingthroughthatportal,heis bornintothe

Christ-life, and, treading the "way of the

Cross,"he passesonwards throughthesucces-

sive gatewayson the Path; atthe end, he is

definitely liberated from the life of limitations,

ofbondage,hediesto timeto liveineternity,

and he becomes conscious of himself as life


There is nodoubt thatinearlyChristianity

thisstageof evolutionwas definitelyrecoghised

as before every individual Christian. The

anxietyexpressed byS. PaulthatChrist might

to this fact, leaving aside other passages that

mightbequoted; evenifthisversestoodalone

it would suffice to showthat in the Christian

idealtheChrist-stagewasregarded asan inner

condition,the finalperiodofevolutionforevery

believer. AnditiswellthatChristiansshould

recognise this, and not regard the life of the

disciple,endinginthe PerfectMan,asanexotic,

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