youbegin todo it not becauseIt bringsyou a
livelihood-though there is nothing to be
ashamed of in its bringing you the powerto
livehere ifyoubegintodoitslowly,gradually,
more and more because it ought to be done,
yourself, then you are taking the first step
motive; alltheactivitiesof yourdaywillhave
anewobject. Dutymustbedone; thewheels
of theworld must bekept turning. Menand
women must be fed along the variouslinesof
tradeandcommerce; thesickmustbehealed;
the ignorant must be taught; justice must be
richand thepoor; and,looking at it thus,the
the teacher may all take a new view of life,
andtheymay say:Thisactivitywith which I
amengagedispartof thegreatworkingof the
world whichis Divine. I am in it to do it,
andmydutylies in the perfect performanceof
my task. I will teach, or heal, or argue, or
trade, orenter intocommercial relations of all
kinds,notforthemere moneythatitbrings,or
the power thatit yields, butin orderthat the
on, and that work may be done by me as