The Future thatAwaits Us. 267
wisdom, another love, and within these all
minor activities would group themselves, all
possibilitieswould beincluded. On thesides
you may see figured many lines that seem
parallel but are really convergent, the varied
lines of progress,mental,moral,spiritual,along
whichtheraceistoevolve. Andif youthink
of this pyramidas made ofgreat blocks,each
blocka greatstage ofprogress symbolisingone
oftheregionsof the universe,thenat thebase
weshould have thephysicalworld, andwork-
ing there all the powers and energiesof man
thataremanifestedas physical consciousnessin
the physical body, and are there gradually
evolvingthe threesides of hisnature-power,
wisdom,andlove. Next above it,the second