The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

TheFuture thatAwaits Us. 269

at present be said to live m self-conscious

activity. Maninhabitsthem,buthisconscious-

nessinthemis the consciousnessofababe,not

yet awake. Still,that mistake may not arise,

let me saythat though itis true that mankind

asawhole has not risen above the conscious-

nessonthe physicalplane,there areevennow

somewhohave risen above it,and areableto

workonotherplanes; and these are an ever-

increasing number. In all that I may say of

thefuture, I shall speak of nothing that isnot

known at least to one ortwo amongus,who


therace,whoknowat leastsomethingofthese

differentplaneswhichinthe futureallmankind


In glancingoverthephysicalregion,how do


of our pyramid? Upon the side of love we


and compassionwe extend to those around us

andbelow; upon thesideofwisdomwehave

all that which is not yet wisdom but is only

knowledge, yet knowledge that will become

wisdom when it is transmuted; all scientific

thought, all philosophical thought, all artistic

thought theseare the great linesalongwhich

thought IS ascending on the side of wisdom.

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