270 TheSpirittial Life.
On the side oi power we have government,
As the world is just now It strikes us as
strange, almost as startling, that on each of
thesesidesman seemstobereaching thelimits
ofthe physical,continuallycomingtowalls he
is unable to overleap; with a successful past
behind him,no doubt,yet seemmg as though
his progress in the physical were over, and
something else must be found if success is to
continue. If we look at the region of love
whichhasreligionforoneof itslinesofgrowth
- theservice of those above us-we see that
duringthe last fiftyyears the greatreligionsof
theworldhave been pushed backward bythe
advancing tide of sceptical intelligence, sothat
theyarenowinapositionof extremedifficulty,
attheback of theirminds as to whether they
are on the right road. It is recognised that
in the great domain of religion faith has too
much takenthe place of knowledge,hope too
much the place of certainty,and authoritytoo
much iheplaceofvision. Theresultofthisis
that, go to what countryyou may,take what
religion you please, you find the great mass