The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

276 TheSpiritual Life.

find that he is not only ableto see with far-

reaching vision, not only able to use astral

senses in the physical body, but that he can


venienceorahindrance,andcan use his astral

bodytotravelthroughtheastralworld. Then

there will come within the compass of his

possibilitiescommunicationwith the greatintel-

ligences who maythere be reached when the

limits of the physical are overstepped. And


life, for the very basis of scepticism will be


gate phenomena now wrongly deemed super-

natural,andwhen men comeagain into direct

touchwith beings whoseveryexistence is now

denied. So also must superstition disappear

whenmen canrangeatwillthe world beyond

thegrave; thatwhichisnolongertheunknown

will no longerbealand of terrors, andmen's

fears will no more be played upon bythose

who seek to subjugatethem through dread of

the unseen world. All men will know that

world,allwill understand itsphenomena,mar-

vellous now, but then to be familiar, then to

enterintodailylife. Whatwecalldeathwill

bepracticallyshornofits sorrows,formanwill

be able to live in the astral world,to mingle
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