The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Future thatAwaits Us. Ill


timethe limitations of the physical body; the

astralworldwillhavecomewithin thecompass

oftheordmarylife,and thedivisioncaused by

deathwillbe swept away. Thecontactwith


thrown open to the world, the possibilities of

reaching them-space having no longerpower

to divide in view of the swiftness of passage

that belongs to that subtler region-thesewill

place within the reach of all opportunities of

knowledge that to-daycome only to the very

few, knowledge that will change the whole

aspect oflife,andopenupbefore themindof

man his still diviner possibihties. There too

men will meet the great teachers of the past,

and will know that theyare not dreams but

living men-that all that has been taught of



fadeaway in that brighterlight, inthe clearer

visionof thatpurerday. Andwhenfromthe

lineofreligion weturn tothatof helptothose



majority can do what only a minute minority

candonow grasptheastralforcesandusethem

constantly both in the physical and the astral

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