eye Is everywhere, and never sleeping. No
scampingof work,for that is not tobeoneof
the Divine artificers,but onlyan ignorant and
clumsyworker. Artisonlydoingwhatyoudo
perfectly,andGod isalwaysanartist. There
is nothing,however small,no animal thatonly
the microscope enables youto see,thatis not
perfect in its beauty,and themorecloselyyou
examine the more exquisite does it become.
Why,those minute diatoms that youcanonly
see by the microscope, every minute shell is
sculpturedwith patternsgeometricallyperfect-
forwhom? For the satisfactionof thatsense
of perfection which is one of the Divineele-
mentsin God and man alike. Notwhat you
do,buthowyoudo it,whether itbeperfectly
wrought to the utmost limit of your ability;
itdowntoyourownhouse,shop,office. Taken
onebyone,sosmall; butsupposeeveryonedid
No scamped work, no unreliable products on
the market, nothing adulterated, nothing that