288 The Spiritual Life.
light? Saveinitsownlanguagehowshallany
idea of it be given? for there they speak in
colour and in music, in living forms of light
resplendent. Here we speak and hear but
fragment of such thoughtaswecan formulate
through thebrain. But thereno halting,arti-
direct tomind,andmatterissosubtlethatevery
thoughtatoncetakesform. If wepassintothe
devachanicworld and think,the imagesof the
incoloursvividandexquisitebeyondall telling,
delicate hues shadinginto one anotherinswift
changeful succession, inexpressibly,fascinatingly
fair. The more beautifully the thinker is
thinking,the faireraretheforms thatsurround
him, the greater and the purer his ideas the
moreexquisiteare theshapes that bodythem-
selvesforthastheradiantoffspringof hismind.