The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

288 The Spiritual Life.


light? Saveinitsownlanguagehowshallany

idea of it be given? for there they speak in

colour and in music, in living forms of light

resplendent. Here we speak and hear but


fragment of such thoughtaswecan formulate

through thebrain. But thereno halting,arti-


direct tomind,andmatterissosubtlethatevery

thoughtatoncetakesform. If wepassintothe

devachanicworld and think,the imagesof the


incoloursvividandexquisitebeyondall telling,

delicate hues shadinginto one anotherinswift

changeful succession, inexpressibly,fascinatingly

fair. The more beautifully the thinker is

thinking,the faireraretheforms thatsurround

him, the greater and the purer his ideas the

moreexquisiteare theshapes that bodythem-

selvesforthastheradiantoffspringof hismind.

Allthathethinksistherebeforehim; hethinks

ofafriend and the image of his friend smiles

uponhim-of a place and it lies stretched at

his feet; space cannot divide,for mind is not

limited by space; time is beginning to yield,

and past, present and future begin to melt

intothe now; notwhollyso yet in the lower

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