The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

290 The Spiritual Life.

experience for the answer-the experience of

those who have outrun their fellows and are


possibilities. Service there takes on a new



as the lesser can touch the greater-and the

knowledge they impart is so full,so rich,that

as it is studied new possibilities seem always

tobewelling upwithin it, andwhat istold is

not a hundredth part of thatwhich is placed

withinreach; itseemstoencircleandpenetrate

themindtill the man is plunged intoasea of

wisdom and knowledge which permeateshim

throughandthrough. Thereagaincompassion

expands,rejoicingin thenewchannelswhich it

findsforitsoutwardflowing. Themanonthe

devachanic plane reaches downwards to all

planes,sendingdowntheforces that belong to

those higherregions tostrengthen and illumate

the minds of men, affecting them by masses


reachingthoughts,helpingthem toseetruthas

true, and Impressing on the inner mind that

which theouter brainisunabletocomprehend.

Thus part of the help givento those whoare

aided consists in the working on the inneror

highermind,suggestinga newidea, a scientific

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