The Future that Awaits Us. 291
*'discovery," a missing linkof knowledge, and
this higher mind grasping the presented truth
works it down into its own lower nature, so
that this innermost conviction overpowers all
logic and all the slow processes of reasonmg,
illuminating the lower mind, makmg compre-
hensiblethe thought,dominating the will,until
all the lower nature is enlightened by theray
fromitshigher Self, Thatis partof the help
rendered to men by those who have reached
the devachanic region,and itwillbe rendered
moreand more fully to the backward of the
raceaslargernumbers learnto function onthe
devachanic plane. Here are possibilities that
as yet are hardlydreamed of,the training of
to aid into the world of men,the guiding of
toreceive them. As thought takes form and
the forces of devachanic life are thrown into
it, such a form becomes a mostpotent agent,
and thus one worker can aid myriads of his
Wisdomissodifferentonthat levelthat itis
scarcely possible to give even a glimpse of its