SpiritualLifefortheManoftheWorld. 11
to a more magnificent oratorical effort within
those walls. Bui that was a comparatively
smallmatter-what of the truthitself? They
hadbeen hstenmg tothe utterances of a great
preacher,and what hadbeen said carriedcon-
victionwithit. Sofarfromtheministerorthe
officers of the church being m any way com-
promised by Mrs. Besant's presence in the
by her presence in the pulpit. "Thefact is
that we al the CityTemple have learned to
disregard these things; it is no use troubling
aboutwhatcompromisesyouorwhatdoes not.
Speakingformyself,Icansay Iam onlyproud
to have had sucha great preacherenunciating
great truths standing side by side with me in
thishistoric pulpit,and I want toassure Mrs.
Besant on your behalf that she will be a
welcome guest at any future time when her
Mrs. Besant: Friends, when a person has
somethingto say,orthinks that she has,fora