The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

On Some Difficulties of the

Inner Life.

r*TheosophicalT^ev/eu',"JHCayandJune, 1899.)

EVERY one whosetshimself inearnestto

the living of the Inner Life encounters
certain obstacles at the verybeginning of the

pathwaythereto,obstacles which repeat them-

selves in the experience of each,having their

basisinthe common natureof men. Toeach


andhencegiverisetoafeelingof personaldis-

couragement which undermines the strength

neededfortheirsurmounting. Ifitwereunder-

stood that they form part of the common

experience of aspirants, that they are always


be that some cheerwould be brought to the

cast-down neophyte by the knowledge. The

graspof ahandinthedarkness,thesoundofa

voice that says: "Fellow-traveller, I have

troddenwhereyoutreadandthe road isprac-

ticable"-thesethings bringhelp in the night-

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