64 The SpiritualLife.
that upset people continually in dailylifewill
passunnoticed. And thiswillleaveusfreeto
helpour neighbours,whom theydodisturb, by
shieldingthemunobtrusively,and sosmoothing
life's pathwayfor feet tenderer than our own.
In learning this, moderation Is the keynote.
*'This dlvme discipline, Arjuna, is not to be
attained by the man who eateth more than
enough ortoo little, nor by him who hath a
habit of sleeping much, nor by him who is
giventooverwatchlng. Themeditationwhich
destroyeth pain is produced in him who is
moderate in eatingand inrecreation, of mod-
erate exertion in hisactions, and regulated in
sleepingandwaking." The bodyis not tobe
shattered: itistobetrained.