Devotion and theSpiritual Life. 73
weconsidered inourstudy-the sheathof the
mind in which the Self worksin the internal
world of concepts and of ideas; that also is
caststhatasideas itcastsoff the sheathof the
senses. And thenrealising that thesesheaths
are not itself, realising that the Self is behind
and within these, this knowledge of non-
separatenessbecomesa practical realisation,not
only intellectually admitted, but practically
realised in life. And thismustinevitablylead
to renunciation. But, mark you,it is the re-
nunciation essentially of the reason, it is the
renunciationwhichdraws itself awayfrom the
byadeliberateretiringwithintheSelf, andthis
exclusionof theouterandof theinnerworldis
of men, most easily accomplished by isolation
fromthegreatBrotherhoodof Humanity, most
easilywonif theSelf,thatthusseeks,separates
itself from all others that are illusory, and in
that quietudeof anexternalworld realisesthe