78 The Spiritual Life.
give Them-thename mattersnot-butsome
name that will carry with it Their supreme
whatyouwill, so thatyourealise inThemthe
Whom the Universe is tending, and in union
with Whom it finds itself on the threshold of
the One.
Those then first he will recognise. And
less hierarchies grade after grade of Spiritual
Intelligencesinallthe manifestedformsof Life
in the spiritual side of the Universe, down-
wards continually through the mighty Ones
Whomwespeakof as Buildersof theworlds,
WhomwespeakofasPlanetary Spirits,Whom
wespeak of as the Lordsof Wisdom,down-
inthehighestformsof Humanitythatwename
the Masters,andWho revealtousthe Divine
Light which is beyond themselves; and then
downwards still inlower and lowergrades of
spiritual entities, until the whole Universe to
himisfulloftheselivingformsof Lightandof
Life,recognised asone mighty Brotherhoodof
whom the embodied selves of men form part.
Therefore his path is in the realisation of