The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

80 The Spiritual Life.


mebacktobirth;" itisthejoyousrenunciation


ofman,andwho, desiring toserveThem, can-

notcareforthethings thatholdhimback,and


maybe free,but full of joy, inorder that he

may give everything to Them; not cutting

asunder desire with an axe as you might cut

thechainthat binds you,butburnmgupdesire

in the fire of devotion,because that fire burns

up everythingwhich is not one with its heat

and with its flame. And so he is free from

Karma,freebecause hedesiresnothing saveto

serve, save to help, save to reach onward to

union with his Lord, and outward to union

withmen. Andthisservicewillindeeddetach

him from the senses, it will detach him from

the mind; but the very detachment will be

that he may serve better. For this is the

lesson which is learnt by the devotee: that

while it is his duty to act, because without


dutyto act inthevery spot inwhich he finds

himself, because there lies the duty forwhich

he has come to birth,and which he therefore


of action. Realisingthatheishereforaction,
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