The spiritual life
84 TheSpiritual Life.
hecangiveIsthatwhichhewillstogive. And
thenfromthatouterworld of service,choosing
hisverybest capacitiesto laythemat the feet
of mankind,out of thatlife of service,to the
nearest firstand thentothosewho arefarther
away,will come the purifyingfire of devotion
liebeyond him and above. Foronly asman
servesandlovesthosewhoarearound himwill
theeyesof the Spirit begin tobe opened,and
then hewill recognise that there are Helpers
beyondhim readytohelp himasheishelping
For mind you, on this Path of Devotion
thereisno helpgiven totheindividualasindi-
vidual; it is only given to him by the Great
Onesbeyond himif in histurnhepassesiton
to others. His claim to be helped is that he
is always helping,and that therefore a gift to
him as individualis agift thatinvery truthis
given to everyone that needs. And thenas
manygrades of Spiritual Intelligences, he will
realisethat thereare some of them embodied
aroundhim; and byrecognising thosethatare
embodiedaroundhimbut aregreaterthanhim-
self,he will beable toclimb upward step by