86 The Spiritual Life.
the membersof the great White Lodge; and
thenhewillloveandservethemif opportunity
shouldoffer,loveandserve themtotheutmost
of his ability, knov^ing that all such service
purifieshimself aswellashelps theworld,and
makes him more and morea channel for the
energies which he desires to spread amongst
thosewithlessvisionthanhimself. Andthen,
Masters Themselves, with those highest and
us in Their spiritual purity, in Their spiritual
wisdom, in Their perfect selflessness, high as
throughunchecked; not differing from menin
Their essence,but differing frommeninTheir
evolution. For the sheaths in us shroud the
Lightwithin us,whilethe sheaths with Them
arepure,andtheunsullied lightshinesthrough
unchecked; and Theyit iswhowill helpand
guideand teach, whenman hasrisentoTheir
Feet by this Path of Devotion that I have
spoken of; and the touch with Them is the
going forwardonthePathof Spiritual Know-
ledge, for without this devotion the further