Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

(Chris Devlin) #1


5.1 Introduction to Logic.......................................................................................................

5.2 Symbolization of Statements
5.3 Equivalence of Formula
5.4 Propositional logic
5.4.1 W ell Formed Formula
5.4.2 Immediate Subformula
5.4.3 Subformula
5.4.4 Formation tree of a formula
5.4.5 Truth Table
5.5 Tautology
5.6 Theory of Inference
5.6.1 Validity by truth table
5.6.2 Natural Deduction Method
I Rules of Inference
II Rules of replacement
III Rule of Conditional Proof
IV Rules of Indirect Proof
5.6.3 Analytical Tableaux Method (ATM)
5.7 Predicate Logic
5.7.1 Symbolization of statements using predicate
5.7.2 Variables and Quantifiers
5.7.3 Free and Bound variables
5.8 Inference Theory of Predicate Logic

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