Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

(Chris Devlin) #1


to solve the problem. Hence, we have another 10 rules. These rules are called rules of replace-
ment that are listed in Fig. 5.25.

II. Rules of Replacement

Rule 1. De Morgan’s (DeM) Rule 2. Commutation (Comm)
(i) ~ (P ∨ Q) ⇔ ~P ∧ ~ Q, (i) (P ∨ Q) ⇔ Q ∨ P
(ii) ~ (P ∧ Q) ⇔ ~P ∨ ~ Q (ii) (P ∧ Q) ⇔ Q ∧ P

Rule 3. Association (Assoc) Rule 4. Distribution (Dist)
(i) (P ∨ Q) ∨ R ⇔ P ∨ (Q ∨ R) (i)P ∧ (Q ∨ R) ⇔ (P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ R)
(ii)(P∧ Q) ∧ R ⇔ P ∧ (Q ∧ R) (ii)P ∨ (Q ∧ R) ⇔ (P ∨ Q) ∧ (P ∨ R)

Rule 5. Double Negation (DN) Rule 6. Transportation (Trans)
~ ~ P ⇔ PP → Q ⇔ ~ Q → ~ P

Rule 7. Material Implication (Imp) Rule 8. Explanation (Exp)
P → Q ⇔ ~ P ∨ Q (P ∧ Q) → R ⇔ P → (Q → R)

Rule 9. Tautology (Taut) Rule 10. Equivalence (Equiv)
(i)P ⇔ P ∧ P (P → Q) ∧ (Q → P) ⇔ (P ∧ Q) ∨ (~P ∧ ~ Q)
(ii)P ⇔ P ∨ P
Fig. 5.25
The major difference between rules of inference and the rules of replacement is that, rules
are inference applies over full line but rules of replacement apply on part of line also.
Now attempt the problem of example 5.17 and solve.

  1. A ∧ B/∴ B
    (Apply rules of inference and rules of
    replacement whenever required and obtain
    new premises until we reach to conclusion)

  2. B ∧ A 1, Comm

  3. B 2, Simp
    Thus, we obtain the required conclusion, hence deduction stop.

Example 5.18. Verify the argument

  1. (A ∨ B) → (C ∧ D)

  2. ~ C / ∴ ~ B
    (Apply rules of inference and rules of replacement
    whenever required and obtain new premises until
    we reach to conclusion)

  3. ~ C ∨ ~ D 2, Add

  4. ~ (C ∧ D) 3, DeM

  5. ~ (A ∨ B) 1 & 4, MT

  6. ~ A ∧ ~ B 5, DeM

  7. ~B ∧ ~ A 6, Comm

  8. ~ B 7, Simp

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