Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

(Chris Devlin) #1


9.5 Construction of Regular Expression from DFA.............................................................

(By Eliminating States)

From a given DFA a regular expression can be constructed directly through step-by-step
eliminations of states from the state diagram. A state can be eliminated equivalently by the
regular expression which is constructed in the following sequence, i.e.,
l Find the regular expression for all incoming arcs to that state,
l Find the regular expression for all repetition arcs that returns to that state itself, and
l Find the regular expression for all outgoing arcs from that state.
Consider an example of a DFA shown in Fig. 9.17.

2 3

(^1) 1, 0
1 0
Fig. 9.17
(Let us eliminate state 2)
Regular expression for the incoming arc (from state 1 on symbol 1) is 1. Regular expres-
sion for the repetition arc (on state 2 itself on symbol 1) is 1 and then the regular expression
for outgoing arc (from state 2 to state 3) is 0. Hence, the transition arc from state 1 to state 3
after eliminating state 2 will be labeled by regular expression 1. 1
. 0 which is shown in
Fig. 9.18.
1, 0
Fig. 9.18
(Now eliminate state 1)
State has an repetition arc labeled by symbol 0 so, the regular expression is 0
, followed
by an outgoing arc, which is labeled by regular expression 1. 1. 0. So, elimination of state 1
will result the regular expression 0
. (1. 1. 0 ). (Fig. 9.19)
(^3) 1, 0
Fig. 9.19
Now the incoming arc labeled by the regular expression 0
. (1. 1. 0) reaches to state
3, which is the accepting state and regular expression for the repetition arc over symbol 0 or 1
is (1 + 0)
. Thus we obtain the final regular expression i.e.,
0. (1. 1. 0 ). (1 + 0)*

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