- All strings formed by two different substrings
- One substring starting with a’s followed by equal number of b’s i.e. ‘ab, aabb,.’
- Followed by other substring that generates c’s only i.e. ‘c, cc, ccc......’
Let S is the starting symbol and A and C are other non terminal symbols, then following
are the productions (P)
S → AC (corresponding to 1)
A → a b | a A b (corresponding to 2) and
C → c | c C (corresponding to 3)
Thus the grammar G = ({S, A, C}, {a, b}, S, P)
We can also see that,
S ⇒ A C ⇒ a b C ⇒ a b c,
a a b b c, or
S ⇒ A C ⇒ a A b C ⇒ a a b b C
a a b b c C → a a b b c c and so on.
Example 11.7. Prove that Language L = {ak bl cl/k ≥ 1 and l ≥ 1} is a CFL.
Sol. We observe that L contains strings of following nature, i.e. - all strings formed by two substrings,
- first substring formed over symbol a’s viz. ‘a, aa, aaa.........’
- followed by other substring that contains the symbol b’s followed by a equal number
of c’s viz. ‘bc, bbcc, bbbccc.........’
Let S is the starting symbol and A and B are the other non terminals.
So, under above observations the following are the productions (P)
S → A B (corresponds to 1)
A → a | a A (corresponds to 2) and
B → b c | b B c (corresponds to 3)
These productions fulfill the restrictions that all are derived from a single non terminal
(S or A or B) and length of derived symbol/s is greater than or equal to the length of its derivative
symbol (| AB | = | S |; | a | = | A |; | aA | = | A |; | bc | = | B |; | b B c| = | B |).
Hence, the Grammar
({S, A, B}, {a, b, c}, S, P} is a CFG and the language is a CFL.
Example 11.8. A language L is defined over Σ = {a, b} such that it contains equal number of a’s
and b’s. Construct the grammar for above grammar and checks its ambiguity.
Sol. We see that the L contains following possible set of strings, i.e.,
- strings starting with symbol a’s s.t. it has equal number of a’s and b’s
- strings starting with symbol b’s s.t. it has equal number of b’s and a’s
Let S be the starting symbol and A and B are other non terminals then following are the
Corresponds to 1: Corresponds to 2:
S → a BS → b A
B → b | b S | a B B A → a | a S | b A A
Now derive the arbitrary string ‘abbaabab’ (that has equal number of a’s and b’s) from
above set of productions, i.e.,