Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

(Chris Devlin) #1


  1. f = (x + y)′′′′′. (x′ + y′)′
    Simplification of such Boolean function can be easily done by using involution law (T3)
    which states that the complement of the complement is effectless i.e., if we take complement of
    complement of Boolean function f then we have,
    (f ′)′ = f
    Thus f ′ = ((x + y)′. (x′ + y′)′)′
    = ((x + y)′)′ + ((x′ + y′)′)′ T5 (De Morgan’s)
    = (x + y) + (x′ + y′) T3 (Involution)
    = (x + x′) + (y + y′) T4 (Associativity)
    = 1 + 1 P2
    so f ′ = 1 T2
    Further, if we take the complement of f ′ i.e.,
    (f ′)′ = (1)′ = 0; then f = 0.
    The complement of Boolean function can be obtained through straight forward way by
    interchanging the values 0’s for 1’s and 1’s for 0’s.
    De Morgan’s law (T5) using two binary variables x and y states that, (x + y)′ = x′. y′ and
    also (x. y)′ = x′ + y′ that can be generalized for any number of binary variables i.e.,
    (x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + ............ + xk)′ = x 1 ′. x 2 ′. x 3 ′ ........................... xk′
    and, (x 1. x 2. x 3. ..................... xk)′ = x 1 ′ + x 2 ′ + x 3 ′ + ...... + xk′
    The generalized form of De Morgan’s law states that complement of an expression will
    interchange the binary operators ‘+’ into ‘. ’ and vise versa and complement each literal.
    Example A.2. Find the complement and simplify the following Boolean functions.

  2. f = p q′ + r′ s′
    Then complement of f is obtain as,
    f ′ = (p q′ + r′ s′)′ = (p q′)′. (r′ s′)′ T5 (De Morgan’s)
    = (p′ + q). (r + s) T5 & T3

  3. f = (q r′ + p′ s). (p q′ + r s′)
    Then complement of f is given as,
    f ′ = [(q r′ + p′ s). (p q′ + r s′)]′
    = (q r′ + p′ s)′ + (p q′ + r s′)′ T5
    = X + Y
    where, we assume, (q r′ + p′ s)′ = X and (p q′ + r s′)′ = Y and solve separately,
    So we have,
    X = (q r′ + p′ s)′ = (q r′)′. (p′ s)′ T5
    = (q′ + r). (p + s′) T5 & T3
    = (q′ + r). p + (q′ + r). s′ P4
    = q′ p + r p + q′ s′ + r s′
    Y = (p q′ + r s′)′ = (p q′)′. (r s′)′ T5
    = (p′ + q). (r′ + s) T5 & T3
    = (p′ + q). r′ + (p′ + q). s P4
    = p′ r′ + q r′ + p′ s + q s

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