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The manuscript presented in this book is an outcome of the experience gained in the teaching
the courses like discrete mathematics, automata theory, and mathematical foundation of com-
puter science at Department of Computer Science & Engineering at I E T, UP Technical Uni-
versity, Lucknow and elsewhere for last ten years. I am hopeful that presentation of this text
imitates the planning of the lectures. I always tried to avoid the mathematical-rigors, compli-
cated concepts and formalisms and presented them in a more precise and interesting manner.
Moreover, I hope during my teaching students not only learned the courses as a powerful math-
ematical tool but also widened their ability and understanding to perceive, devise, and attempt
the mathematical problems with the application of the theory to computer science. The prolific
and valuable feedback from my students motivates me to prepare this manuscript. Ultimately,
I expect that this text would extend the understanding of mathematical theory of computer
science with the explosion of computer science, computer application, engineering, and infor-
mation technology.