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- Given what you have learned about hearing in this chapter, are you engaging in any activities that might cause long-
term hearing loss? If so, how might you change your behavior to reduce the likelihood of suffering damage?
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is a candidate for the mechano-sensitive transduction channel of vertebrate hair cells. Nature, 432, 723–730. Retrieved
[2] Middlebrooks, J. C., & Green, D. M. (1991). Sound localization by human listeners.Annual Review of Psychology, 42, 135–
[3] Kochkin, S. (2005). MarkeTrak VII: Hearing loss population tops 31 million people.Hearing Review, 12(7) 16–29.
[4] Tennesen, M. (2007, March 10). Gone today, hear tomorrow. New Scientist, 2594, 42–45.
[5] Chisolm, T. H., Willott, J. F., & Lister, J. J. (2003). The aging auditory system: Anatomic and physiologic changes and
implications for rehabilitation. International Journal of Audiology, 42(Suppl. 2), 2S3–2S10.
[6] Dettman, S. J., Pinder, D., Briggs, R. J. S., Dowell, R. C., & Leigh, J. R. (2007). Communication development in children who
receive the cochlear implant younger than 12 months: Risk versus benefits. Ear and Hearing, 28(2, Suppl.), 11S–18S; Dorman,
M. F., & Wilson, B. S. (2004). The design and function of cochlear implants. American Scientist, 92, 436–445.
4.4 Tasting, Smelling, and Touching
- Summarize how the senses of taste and olfaction transduce stimuli into perceptions.
- Describe the process of transduction in the senses of touch and proprioception.
- Outline the gate control theory of pain. Explain why pain matters and how it may be controlled.
Although vision and hearing are by far the most important, human sensation is rounded out by
four other senses, each of which provides an essential avenue to a better understanding of and
response to the world around us. These other senses are touch, taste, smell, and our sense of body
position and movement (proprioception).
Taste is important not only because it allows us to enjoy the food we eat, but even more crucial,
because it leads us toward foods that provide energy (sugar, for instance) and away from foods
that could be harmful. Many children are picky eaters for a reason—they are biologically