Introduction to Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

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8.2 How We Remember: Cues to Improving Memory


  1. Label and review the principles of encoding, storage, and retrieval.

  2. Summarize the types of amnesia and their effects on memory.

  3. Describe how the context in which we learn information can influence our memory of that information.

Although it is useful to hold information in sensory and short-term memory, we also rely on our
long-term memory (LTM). We want to remember the name of the new boy in the class, the name
of the movie we saw last week, and the material for our upcoming psychology test.
Psychological research has produced a great deal of knowledge about long-term memory, and
this research can be useful as you try to learn and remember new material (see Table 8.2
"Helpful Memory Techniques Based on Psychological Research"). In this section we will
consider this question in terms of the types of processing that we do on the information we want
to remember. To be successful, the information that we want to remember must
be encoded and stored, and then retrieved.

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