How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology

(Amelia) #1

xx t He m at iC C on t e n t s

6.2.7 Topic + comment construction 381–383, 386–387, 391–394, 396–397
6.2.8 Imbalanced combination of nature and emotion
in ci and qu poetry 394–396
6.3 Other Structures
6.3.1 Incremental repetition as a structural device 20, 24
6.3.2 Composite structure in the Han yuefu poem “Mulberry
Along the Lane” 96–100
6.3.3 Music-based structural components in Han yuefu^ poetry^99
6.3.4 A Yijing-ba^ sed structure in Xie Lingyun’s landscape poems 131–137
6.3.5 A yin-yang alternation of nonparallel and parallel couplets
in regulated verse 173–174
6.3.6 Oral linguistic structure in jueju verse^ 200–202, 204–206
6.3.7 Heptasyllabic quatrain series 213–215
6.3.8 Jueju^ structure for poetic closure 220–222
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