How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology

(Amelia) #1
c i P oe t ry : long s ong ly riC s 265

(bā shēng gān zhōu)

face pattering pattering evening rain river sky 對瀟瀟暮雨灑江天

(duì xiāo xiāo mù yŭ să jiāng tiān)
one round wash clear autumn 一番洗清秋^ △^
(yī fān xĭ qīng qiū)
gradually frosty wind chilly sad 漸霜風淒慘^
(jiàn shuāng fēng qī căn)
pass river cold bleak 關河冷落^
(guān hé lĕng luò)
remnant sunshine on building 殘照當樓^ △^
(cán zhào dāng lóu)
every place red wither green decay 是處紅衰翠減^
(shì chù hóng shuāi cuì jiăn)
slowly slowly things flower cease 苒苒物華休^ △^
(răn răn wù huā xiū)
only have long river water 惟有長江水^
(wéi yŏu cháng jiāng shuĭ)
without word east flow 無語東流^ △^
(wú yŭ dōng liú)

not bear ascend height face far 不忍登高臨遠

(bù rĕn dēng gāo lín yuăn)
watch old homeland vague vague 望故鄉渺邈

(wàng gù xiāng miăo miăo)
return thoughts hard withdraw 歸思難收 △
(guī sì nán shōu)
sigh year come step trace 歎年來蹤跡
(tàn nián lái zōng jì)
what thing painfully delay linger 何事苦淹留 △
(hé shì kŭ yān liú)
imagine fair person makeup building longing watch 想佳人、妝樓顒望

(xiăng jiā rén zhuāng lóu yóng wàng)
mistake several time heaven border recognize return boat 誤幾回、天際識歸舟 △
(wù jĭ huí tiān jì shí guī zhōu)
how know I lean balustrade rail place 爭知我、倚闌干處

(zhēng zhī wŏ yĭ lán gān chù)
right such concentrate sorrow 正恁凝愁 △
(zhèng nèn níng chóu)

The verb “[I] face” at the very beginning of the poem seems to be unnecessary,
since even without it, the scene’s being in front of the persona is quite obvious. But
it is precisely words of this kind that deserve our special attention. They are typical

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