How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology

(Amelia) #1
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Abbreviations of Primary Texts

BJYJJJ Zhu Jincheng 朱金城, ed. Bai Juyi ji jianjiao 白居易集笺校 (The
Works of Bai Juyi, with Notes and Collations). 6 vols. Shanghai:
Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1988.
CCBZ Wang Yi 王逸 and Hong Xingzu 洪興祖, eds. Chuci buzhu 楚辭
補注 (Lyrics of Chu, with Supplements and Annotations). Beijing:
Zhonghua shuju, 1983.
GGZJ Yun Zhu 惲珠, ed. Guochao guixiu zhengshi ji 國朝閨秀正始集
(Correct Beginnings Collection of Women’s Poetry of the Qing).
Hongxiangguan, 1831.
GGZX Yun Zhu 惲珠 and Miaolianbao 妙蓮保, eds. Guochao guixiu
zhengshi xuji 國朝閨秀正始續集 (Correct Beginnings Collection of
Women’s Poetry of the Qing: A Sequel). Hongxiangguan, 1836.
HS Ban Gu 班固, comp. Han shu 漢書 (History of the Han Dynasty).
Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1962.
JBSCXZ Huang Zhaohan 黃兆漢, ed. Jiang Baishi ci xiangzhu 姜白石詞詳注
(The Ci Poetry of Jiang Baishi, with Detailed Annotations). Taipei:
Xuesheng shuju, 1998.
JNSGJZ Qian Zhonglian 錢仲聯, annot. Jiannan shigao jiaozhu 劍南詩稿

校註 (The Poetry of Lu You, with Collations and Commentaries).
8 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1985.
LBJJZ Qu Shuiyuan 瞿蛻園 and Zhu Jincheng 朱金城, eds. Li Bai ji
jiaozhu 李白集校注 (The Works of Li Bai, with Collected Collations and
Commentaries). 4 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1980.
MSBC Shen Deqian 沈德潛. Mingshi biecai 明詩別裁 (Discerning Selection of
Ming Poetry). Hong Kong: Shangwu, 1961.
MSZJ Mao Shi Zheng jian 毛詩鄭箋 (Zheng’s Notes on the Mao Text of “The
Book of Poetry”). Sibu beiyao ed.
QSC Tang Guizhang 唐圭璋, ed. Quan Song ci 全宋詞 (Complete Ci Poetry
of the Song). 5 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1965.
QSJS Qian Zhonglian 錢仲聯, ed. Qingshi jishi 清詩紀事 (Qing Poetry:
Recording Events). Nanjing: Jiangsu guji chubanshe, 1987–1989.
QSS Quan Song shi 全宋詩 (Complete Shi Poetry of the Song). 72 vols.
Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 1991–1998.
QSTRJJ Fu Shousun 富壽蓀 and Liu Baishan 劉拜山, eds. Qianshou Tangren
jueju 千首唐人絕句 (One Thousand Jueju Poems by Tang Writers).
Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1985.
QTS Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 (Complete Shi Poetry of the Tang). 25 vols.
Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1960.

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