How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology

(Amelia) #1

56 Pr e - q i n t i m e s

and abducting the Luo goddess to be his wife. Some commentators, among them Hawkes, regard
the reference to Qiong-shi Mountain and the Wei-pan Stream as a suggestion that Fu Fei led a
wanton lifestyle (Songs of the South, 91).

  1. You, Lisao zuanyi, 290, 294.

  2. Ling Fen was a master of divination.

  3. The Ford of Heaven is a constellation in the eastern sky.

  4. According to Chinese mythology, the God of the West, also known as Shao Hao, presides
    over the western regions.

  5. According to ancient myths, Bu-zhou Mountain is northwest of Mount Kunlun.

  6. The Nine Songs are the music of heaven. According to legend, Shao music was the music
    of the sage-ruler Shun.

  7. Luan (literally, disorderly) is a musical term designating the final section of a song. It is so
    called because it sounded disorderly when all the instruments were played together at the end of
    a piece.

  8. Hawkes, Songs of the South, 68–78.

suggest eD reaDings

e ng l i sH
Hawkes, David, ed. and trans. The Songs of the South: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poems by Qu
Yuan and Other Poets. New York: Penguin, 1985.
Qu Yuan. The “Nine Songs”: A Study of Shamanism in Ancient China. Edited by Arthur Waley. 1955.
Reprint, San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1973.
Waters, Geoffrey R. Three Elegies of Ch’u: An Introduction to the Traditional Interpretation of the
“Ch’u Tz’u.” Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
Yu, Pauline. The Reading of Imagery in the Chinese Poetic Tradition. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1987.
C H ine s e
Jiang Liangfu 姜亮夫. Chuci lunwenji 楚辭論文集 (Studies of the “Chuci ”). Shanghai: Shanghai guji
chubanshe, 1984.
Ma Maoyuan 馬茂元, ed. Chuci xuan 楚辭選 (Selections from the “Chuci ”). Beijing: Renmin
wenxue chubanshe, 1998.
You Guoen 游國恩. Chuci lunwenji 楚辭論文集 (Studies of the “Chuci ”). Beijing: Gudian wenxue
chubanshe, 1957.
———. ed. Lisao zuanyi 離騷纂義 (Collected Commentaries of “Lisao”). Beijing: Zhonghua shuji,
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