50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know

(Marcin) #1

base 10 8 , 10 , 11 , 204
base 60 8 , 204
Bayes’s theory 128 –31
Benford, Frank 136 , 138
Bernoulli, Jacob 24 , 89
binary system 11 , 160 –2, 204
birthday problem 132 –5
Bourbaki, Nicholas 72
Brianchon’s theorem 115
bridges, Warren truss 87
bucky balls 93
golden ratio 50 , 51
with triangles 87
butterfly effect 104 –5, 107

Caesar, Julius 160 , 162
calculus 76 –9
Cantor, Georg 28 –31, 72 , 73 , 75
cardinality 29 –30, 74 –5, 204
catenary curve 90
Cayley, Arthur 35 , 98 , 102 , 119 , 121 , 153 –4
central limit theorem 141 , 142
chance 124 , 128 , 132
chaos theory 104 –7, 204
Chinese remainder theorem 63
circle 88 , 109 , 111 , 115
pi (π) 20 –1
squaring 22 , 81 –2, 205
codes 160 –3
coincidence 135
four-colour problem 120 –3
genetics 148 –9
combinatorics 164 –7, 187
commutative 204
complex numbers 32 –5
compound interest 176 –9
conic sections 88 –90, 115 , 204
constructions 80 –3

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