50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know

(Marcin) #1

converting to decimals 14 –15
counting 30
Riemann hypothesis 200 –3
square roots 18 –19
Franklin, Benjamin 170
fuzzy logic 67

Galileo 77 , 78 , 192 , 193
Galton, Francis 121 , 144 , 146
gambling 125 –6, 127 , 143
game theory 188 –91
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 37 , 39 , 83 , 110 , 140
Gelfond’s constant 26
genetics 148 –51
geometry 204
dimension 96 –9
discrete 112 –15
elliptic 111
Euclidean 108 –10, 114
hyperbolic 110
parallel postulate 75 , 108 –11
projective 114
topology 92 –5, 99
Gödel’s theorem 74 , 75
Goldbach conjecture 38 –9
golden ratio (Φ) 46 –7, 50
golden rectangles 48 –51
graphs 116 –19, 123
Grassmann, Hermann 59 , 98
gravity 77 –9, 195
greatest common divisor (gcd) 61 –3, 204
group theory 59 , 152 –5, 167

Halmos, Paul 70 , 123
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan 34 –5, 58 –9
hand-shaking theorem 117 –18
Hardy, G.H. 149 –51, 168 , 202 , 203
Heawood, Percy 121 , 122

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