proof 68 –71, 85 , 123
Pythagoras 16 , 40 , 41 , 89 , 200
theorem 18 , 84 –5, 205
quadratic equations 57 –8
quaternions 58 –9, 205
rational numbers 13 , 205
real numbers 30 –1, 72
reasoning 64
rectangles, golden 48 –51
regression 144 , 146 –7
relativity 111 , 192 –5
remainder 205
Riemann, Bernhard
elliptic geometry 111
Riemann hypothesis 200 –3
Roman numbers 8 –10
rotational symmetry 152 –3
Russell, Bertrand 73 –4
scientific notation 11
sequence 205
series 205
sets 7 , 28 –9, 67 , 72 –5, 205
Sierpinski gasket 54 , 102
space–time 97 , 99 , 111 , 195
Spearman’s correlation 145 –6
spheres 94 , 95 , 98 , 111
spiral, logarithmic 89
square numbers 16 –17, 39 , 170 , 196 –8, 205
square root 17 –19, 205
of –1 32 , 33
Latin 167 , 172 –5
magic 168 –71
squaring the circle 22 , 81 –2, 205