The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1

24 Chapter 1 Simple Interest

Most Texas Instruments calculators have an “Ans” feature that recalls the result of the
last calculation. On most models it is located above the “(-)” key in the bottom row; you
can pull “Ans” onto your screen by hitting the “2nd” key followed by the “(-)”. If you are
using one of these models, you can perform the calculations of Example 1.3.1 as follows
(the number of decimal places displayed may vary depending on the model):

Operation Result



While not absolutely necessary, using the calculator memory to store and recall values will
prove helpful in both this and future sections. If the instructions above are not sufficient to
figure out how to do this on the calculator model you are using, again, consult your owner’s
manual or your instructor for details on how to use your particular calculator.

Finding The Simple Interest Rate

Now let’s try our hand at the second scenario from the start of this section, where the inter-
est rate was the unknown. Jim borrowed $500 and paid $25 interest for a 90-day loan using
bankers’ rule. Plugging in the values we already know into the formula, we get:

$25  ($500)(R)(90/360)

which is similar to the previous situation, except that now the R lies between the numbers
on the right side. Fortunately, though, this doesn’t pose any real problem. Order does not
matter with multiplication; 2 times 3 times 5 is the same as 3 times 5 times 2, which is the
same as 5 times 2 times 3, and so on. Whichever way you multiply 2, 3, and 5, you get 30.
This means that in our equation it makes no difference where the R is, and so we can go
ahead on the right and multiply ($500)(90/360) to get $125, and so:

$25  $125(R).

We can now exploit the balance principle to get R alone by dividing both sides by $125:




and so

0.2  R


R  0.2

While this is technically correct, it does require some interpretation. Does this mean that
the interest rate is 0.2%? That seems awfully low.
Remember that before we plug an interest rate into the formula, we move the deci-
mal point two places to the left. And so when we solve for R, what we are getting is the
rate with the decimal already moved. While R  0.2 is technically a correct answer, the
fact is that we normally express interest rates as percents, and so we should do so here.
In order to turn this into a percent, we will need to move the decimal point two places
to the right.

R  0.2  20%.

and so the simple interest rate is 20%.
Note that, just as we inserted zeros where necessary to hold the place when moving to the
left (8% becomes .08 for example), we had to insert a zero here to hold the place on the right.
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