The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1
614 Chapter 16 Business Statistics


A. Creating Charts and Graphs

  1. Montag Fire Equipment has fi ve regional offi ces. In the fourth quarter of the year, the sales for each of these offi ces

Offi ce Sales

Atlanta $3,510,000
Portland $7,500,000
Chicago $5,300,000
Phoenix $1,750,000
San Jose $9,500,000

Create a pie chart to illustrate the contribution of each offi ce to the company’s overall fourth-quarter sales.

  1. The Chatakoin County supervisor is running for reelection. She is particularly proud of the efforts she has made control
    costs and keep county property taxes low. The county property tax rate in Chatakoin County is $0.83 per $1,000 market
    value. The tax rates in neighboring counties are:

County Tax Rate Per Thousand

Birchcrest $0.94
Lafayette $0.89
Drummond $1.05
Welland $1.14
Canaseraga $0.96

Create a column chart showing the comparison of county tax rates that she might want to use in a campaign fl yer.

614 Chapter 16 Business Statistics
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