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Suppose, for instance, that we revisit the coffee price example that we were considering
earlier. We had obtained the prices for five competing coffee shops, and wanted to get a
sense of the average price in the local market. We did not consider in either of our “aver-
age” calculations, though, how much business each of the coffee shops actually does. If
competitor A sells more coffee than the others, we might want to consider its price as more
important than the others. Suppose, for example, that we know the weekly sales for each
of these competitors. We might then want to give each coffee shop a different weight based
on the number of cups of coffee sold.
Competitor Price Estimated Weekly Sales (Cups)
A $1.49 850
B $1.59 550
C $1.25 700
D $3.75 500
E $1.50 1000
To calculate the weighted average price, we multiply each of the prices by its “weight”; in
this case the weight is the estimated sales. Then, we divide by the total of the weights. This
gives us a weighted average of:
Weighted average
850($1.49) 550($1.59) 700($1.25) 500($3.75) 1,000($1.50)
____ 850 550 700 500 1,000
$1,266.50 $874.50 $875.00 $1875.00 $1,500.00
_____ 850 550 700 500 1,000
Example 16.2.2 Suppose that a computer services company has fi ve part-time
workers. Each worker’s hourly wage and number of hours worked in a typical week are
listed in the table below. Calculate (a) the mean of the hourly rates, (b) the median,
and (c) the weighted average, weighted by hours worked.
Employee Hourly Wage Typical Weekly Hours
A $23.50 25
B $27.50 34
C $18.00 28
D $38.00 10
E $45.00 8
(a) The mean would be:
$23.50 $27.50 $18.00 $38.00 $45.00
___ 5
_____ 5 $30.40
(b) We put the hourly wages in order: $18.00, $23.50, $27.50, $38.00, $45.00. The mean
is the middle value of this list: $27.50.
(c) To fi nd the weighted average:
Weighted average ____________________________________________________________25($23.50) 34($27.50) 28($18.00) 10($38.00) 8($45.00)
25 34 28 10 8
_________________________________________________$587.50 $935.00 $504.00 $380.00 $360.00
25 34 28 10 8
16.2 Measures of Average 619