The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1
Copyright © 2008, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 643

  1. $26,816

  2. $170,609

Chapter 4 Exercises

  1. $101,072.23; $110,000

  2. $225,852

  3. $1,901.97

  4. $119,002

  5. $267.93

  6. $71,406.12

  7. $259,584; $117,456

  8. $193,482; $270.94; $85,009

  9. $114.96; $91.58 interest, $23.38 principle

  10. $78.58

  11. $908.26

  12. $5,154.41

  13. a) $420,440, b) $2,868.46

  14. $473.59;

Month Payment To Interest To Principle End Balance

1 $473.59 $210.00 $263.59 $29,736.41
2 $473.59 $208.15 $265.44 $29,470.97
3 $473.59 $206.30 $267.29 $29,203.68

  1. $30,902

Chapter 5 Section 5.1

  1. Result should match.

  2. $5,070.66

Model Unit Price

of Sales $ Sales
A-780 $14,500 128 $1,856,000
B-1000 $17,900 75 $1,342,500
C-2750 $25,800 12 $309,600
D-365 $46,000 34 $1,564,000

To tal 249 $5,072,100

Model Unit Price

of Sales $ Sales Commission % Commission $
A-780 $14,500 6 $87,000 2.50% $2,175.00
B-1000 $17,900 4 $71,600 2.50% $1,790.00
C-2750 $25,800 0 $0 1.75% $0.00
D-365 $46,000 2 $92,000 1.75% $1,610.00

To tal 12 $250,600 $5,575.00

  1. Spreadsheet should resemble Example 5.3.3;
    ending account value is $22,626.43

  2. $10,283.93; $14.55; $62.61

  3. $36,041.51

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