The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1
Copyright © 2008, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 647

  1. $51.29 per thousand

  2. 1,071,061 kilowatt-hours; 136,025 kwh saved

  3. 28.57%

  4. 17.65%

  5. 8.70%

  6. a) $274.13, b) $205.60

  7. a) $11.40, b) 23.08%

  8. $11.92

  9. 73,885 visitors

  10. 33.36%

  11. 22.01%

  12. a) $25,988.24; b) $267.92, $27,059.92;
    c) 4.12%

Chapter 8 Section 8.2

  1. a) 21.92%, b) 50.00%, c) 41.60%, d) 34.82%

  2. $256.42; 34.19%

  3. 35.83%

  4. $3.23; $14.72

  5. $6,346,015

  6. 10.90%

  7. a) 13.04%, b) 29.87%

  8. 5.0%

  9. $22.44

  10. a) $14.80, $9.25; b) $81.04, $17.02; c) $22.10,
    $5.07; d) $147.50, $46.49

  11. a) $70.22, $7.72, 12.35%; b) $23.75, $8.31,
    53.82%; c) $744.99, $305.97, 69.69%

  12. $1.88

  13. $44.44

  14. $72.35; $25.32

  15. 31.91%; 5.12%

  16. 1.6%

  17. $9.82; 75.60%

  18. $1.30/pound

  19. $67.61

  20. It can’t be determined without knowing

  21. 26.8%

  22. 0.57%

Chapter 8 Section 8.3

  1. a) $132,302.20, b) $71,614.64, c) $15,095.40,
    d) $963,704.96

  2. $881.27; $17,625.46

  3. $41,587.87

  4. $138.95

  5. a) $3.39, b) 35.40%, c) 54.79% (answers may
    vary slightly due to rounding)

  6. 12.16%

  7. $53.97

  8. a) 44.75%, b) 44.75%

  9. a) $31.48 or $40.48, b) $40.48

  10. a) 1/29, b)2/10, c)2/1, d) 2/16

  11. a) $3,662.87, b)$3,736.70, c) $3,736.70
    23. Gross margin 25%; markup 33.33%
    25. $1.68
    27. a) $5,560.00, b) $17,625.00, c) $23,185.00,
    d) $4,405.15, e) $18,779.85, f) $19,229.85
    29. 36.04%
    31. a) $73.69, b) $53.43, c) 26.20%, d) 20.76%
    33. 40%
    35. 16.55%

Chapter 8 Section 8.4

  1. $371,338

  2. $21,584.92; $14,226.22

  3. 12.42%

  4. $5,000; $22,500

  5. a) $2,500, b) $1,458.33, c) $11,041.67

  6. a) $12,900, b) $12,900, c)



2007 $12,900.00 $51,600.00
2008 $20,640.00 $30,960.00
2009 $12,384.00 $18,576.00
2010 $7,430.40 $11,145.60
2011 $7,430.40 $3,715.20
2012 $3,715.20 $0.00

  1. $813,250

  2. a) $59,066.39, b) $59,612.50

  3. $26,625

  4. End of Year Depreciated Value

2006 $6910
2007 $5750
2008 $4590
2009 $3430
2010 $2270
2011 $1400

  1. Years of Use Depreciated Value

1 $26,400
2 $20,800
3 $15,200
4 $9600
5 $4000

  1. Cannot be determined. Depreciated value is not
    the same as market value.

Chapter 9 Section 9.1

  1. $11.79

  2. $2.10

  3. $256.13

  4. $3.72; $52.01

  5. $289.77

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