The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1
648 Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises

  1. a) $97.43, b) $6.09, c) $103.52

  2. $11,162.79

  3. $455.64

  4. $2,845.24

  5. $22.39

  6. Self $801.00; dealer $789.95

  7. $69.95

  8. $19.50

  9. $2,857.14

  10. $10.35

  11. 7.25%

Chapter 9 Section 9.2

  1. $55,453; 4

  2. $43,616; 1

  3. a) $7,562.95, b) 15%, c) 13.64%,
    d) 9.58%

  4. $7,461.50

  5. $2,968.30

  6. a) $6,431.25, b) $655.00, c) $6,151.75

  7. a) $1,496.35, b) $380.76, c) $937.67,
    d) $111.20

  8. $668.07; $887.21

  9. a) $7,042.43, b) $6,750.55,
    c) $291.88 refund

  10. a) Owe $4,237.81, b) $1,459.83 refund

  11. $3,018.38

  12. Social Security $5,840.40;
    Medicare $1,823.65

  13. $4,176.90

  14. a) $183.44, b) $100.39

  15. $5,906.50

  16. 15%; 7.93%

  17. a) $146.13, b) $122.41, c) $1,331.55

  18. a) $265.51, b) $157.33, c) $1,633.74

  19. a) $173.44, b) $165.47, c) $1,824.04

  20. a) $58.22, b) $116.41, c) $1,347.09

  21. $5,840.40; 0.03%

Chapter 9 Section 9.3

  1. $750.61

  2. $8,079.75

  3. $3,224.00

  4. Probably 25%

  5. a) Approximately $68,550, b) probably not

  6. a) $208,773, b) yes

  7. a) $20.44/thousand, b) $2.044/hundred,
    c) 2.0443%, d) 20.44 mills

  8. 5.09% increase

  9. a) $65,263; b) $9.60/thousand, slight difference
    due to rounding; c) $3,740,000, no change

  10. $78,645.40

  11. South is lower. Tax on a $100,000 property would
    be $3,172 in North and $2,337.20 in South.

  12. $3,476.69
    25. $14.82/thousand residential; $11.85/thousand

Chapter 9 Section 9.4

  1. $1.60; $2.40

  2. $6,806.25

  3. $171,211.25

  4. $145.00

  5. a) $2,280,500, b) $627,445, c) $126,225

  6. a) $923,355.90, b) $248,355.90, c) $0

  7. $0

  8. $22,000

  9. All the same

  10. a) $4,140,000, b) $0

  11. $3.80

  12. $2.79

  13. $4,222,222.22; 23.68%

  14. a) No estate tax, $486 capital gains tax; b) no
    estate tax, capital gains tax is $8,946, c) $8,500

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