The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1
Copyright © 2008, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises 649

Chapter 10 Section 10.1

Date Activity Balance

Days at
Balance (Balance)(Days)
12 April Start $1755.28 2 $3,510.56
14 April Charged $128.53 $1,883.81 15 $28,257.15
29 April Paid 500 $1,383.81 8 $11,070.48
7 May Charged 62.45 $1,446.26 2 $2,892.52
9 May Charged 197.65 $1,643.91 3 $4,931.73
12 May 30 $50,662.44
ADB  50662.44/30  $1,688.75

  1. $525.66

  2. $26.36

  3. a) $4.75, b) $1,305.04

  4. No.

  5. Yes. Prior month’s balance was not paid in full.

  6. $1.37; $76.98

  7. $196.60

  8. a) Myrtle, b) Myrtle, c) Myrtle, d) Rew, e) Rew

  9. a) More than $375, b) more than $668.90

  10. a) More than $285.71, b) more than $2,980.13,
    c) less than $443.95, d) never

  11. a) $0, b) $267.98

  12. a) Kashong, b) Dresden, c) Crooked Lake,
    d) more than $2,333.33, e) between $421.94
    and $2,333.33

  13. $531.25

  14. No. Payment was made after the end of the
    grace period.

  15. $13.79

  16. $109.38; probably not

  17. B if she’s sure she will not carry a balance;
    C otherwise

  18. $21,250

Chapter 10 Section 10.2

  1. $38,463

  2. $16,191

  3. $65,710; $32,775

  4. $1,214.86; 3 years

  5. $380.25

  6. $913.05

  7. $1,784.98

  8. False. There may be other requirements (credit
    history, employment, etc.)

  9. False. Not all lenders use these exact tests.

  10. Fails both tests, Does not qualify.

  11. Yes, yes, and yes.

  12. $19,215

  13. False. No-closing-cost options and other programs
    are available.

  14. $1,812.13

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